HIT Provider Experience Data

Do you have the data you need to make the right healthcare IT decisions? KLAS insights help you reduce the time and risk involved with finding the right solutions and partners.

Optimize the EHR for Your Clinicians

Improve EHR usability to ensure better outcomes for your end users.

Measure with the Arch Collaborative to understand how your clinicians use your EHR. Members of the Collaborative have seen:

  • Improved efficiency
  • Better retention
  • Reduced burnout

Each of these metrics have real impact. They affect the dollars you spend as well as the experience of both your patients and care providers.

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Healthcare Technology Reviews

Make better buying decisions based on data.

Let us do the leg-work. Your peers’ insights are more valuable than almost any other feedback. Through vendor scores, provider commentary, and Decision Insights data you can:

  • Identify areas for improvement
  • Hold your vendor partners accountable
  • Create a better ecosystem for your users
  • Learn which vendors are being replaced, and why

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Get the Research You Need

Understand the markets you care about and improve your digital strategy with KLAS reports.

Find out who your peers are buying and better adapt to a shifting landscape. Read KLAS reports to help you partner with the right vendors for your organization.

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Providers utilizing healthcare IT software image

Provider Advisory Services.

Find the specific, research-driven information you need to answer your most pressing questions.

Have specific questions not answered in a report? KLAS’ Provider Advisory Services shares insights from your peers to help guide you in your decision-making process.

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Attend KLAS Events

Help make healthcare better.

Collaborate and create industry standards around the far-reaching technologies changing the face of healthcare.

KLAS hosts events on:

  • EHR optimization
  • Healthcare investing
  • Interoperability
  • Population Health
  • Artificial Intelligence

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The insights of KLAS data come from providers just like you

Join the KLAS Community to stand with other healthcare professionals by driving change within the industry.

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